Tips on Easing Separation Anxiety at School
It's that time of year when we tend to see some separation anxiety. Sometimes, students just show some first day jitters when everything is new. Sometimes, separation anxiety appears when there is a big change in a kid's life. Either way, it's often difficult, even heart breaking, for parents and loved ones to watch their "littles" cry out for them at drop off. Parents, rest assured that usually this is a short-lived phase. In the meantime, here are some tips with easing your student's separation anxiety. Make good-bye routines quick. I recommend parents do the “Hug and Go” – give your student a big hug, say goodbye, and leave. Lingering usually makes the pleas for Mommy or Daddy to stay become more intense. Be consistent. As much as you can, make the drop off to school at the same time every day. Keep your routine the same every day. This predictability will help your child feel safe. Don’t go back. Returning to the classroom/school to check o...