Acknowledging the Uncomfortable (An editorial)
School is in full swing, now. I guess. It's very weird. We, teachers, are here at our buildings every day, but most of our students are not. Roughly 1/3rd* of our students are remote and the remaining 2/3rd* are split between A days and B days, with some exceptions. Staff has been in session for 27 days, A-schedule kids have been in session for 12 days, and B-schedule kids have been in session for 11 days. The start to this school year has been different and weird and, quite honestly, uncomfortable. Some students and staff are worried about getting sick. We know parents are worried about how to teach their kids at home and maintain their job responsibilities. I've seen parents get frustrated for kids being sent home with minor physical ailments because no one really understands the nature of the Covid-19 virus. Social distancing and masks are all over the place. It’s a lot. Most of us are wondering, “When is this going to end?” Because this has been different and weird and unc...