My kid has been diagnosed with ADHD. Now what?
What does it mean to have ADHD? ADHD is a disorder of the brain. Brains are very complicated, even to a brain surgeon. The workings of a brains are hard to understand. If a normal brain is hard to understand, imagine how a differently-working brain can be misunderstood. Here are some basic facts about ADHD to help you more fully understand the diagnosis: What having ADHD means: Your child's brain takes in information or stimuli differently. Your child's brain organizes information or stimuli differently. Your child struggles with paying attention...sometimes. Other times, your child may hyperfocus on, or pay A LOT of attention to, something that interests him/her. Your child may be more sensitive than others to certain noises, smells, tastes, or to movement or visual stimuli. Your child may have difficulty regulating, or controlling, their emotions. Your child is awesome! What having ADHD doesn't mean: Your child is dumb. Some kids with AD...