October SEL - Personal Space
Personal space is the amount of space each of us needs to feel comfortable in our surroundings. In October, all grades will be discussing personal space and what it means to them. Third Grade: Learning goal: Students will know what it means to respect others' personal spaces and value their own personal space. Activities: Short videos on personal space, space bubble experiment, and discussion. Second Grade: Learning goal: Students will know situations and people that might cause personal space bubbles to change sizes. Students will also know how to communicate to someone that they would like more space. Activities: Watch "Close Enough!" on YouTube, discuss sizes of space bubbles, how to know you're in someone's space bubble, and how to ask someone to move out of your space bubble. First Grade: Learning goal: Students will learn what personal space bubbles are and why they are important. Activities: Read and discuss Personal Space Camp by Julia Coo...